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Larry Hess CPA
IRS took money out of bank or paycheck
I owe the IRS more than I can pay
I have a return to file & can't pay
What does it mean to resolve a tax debt?
I have payment plan & can't pay
I defaulted on my payment plan
I got a letter or notice from the IRS
I received an audit notice from the IRS
Does the IRS have forever to collect?
Can IRS penalties & interest be removed?
A private collection agency contacted me
Do I have to deal with IRS on my own?
Must I represent myself in court?
Why have a taxpayer representative
I received a NM GRT audit letter
NM charged me tax I shouldn't owe
Is a NM Managed Audit amnesty?
Is GRT the same as sales tax?
What are gross receipts?
What is not subject to GRT?
Nontaxable Transaction Certificates
Non-profits, government agencies & GRT
Business located outside of New Mexico
Are commissions subject to GRT?
Are reimbursed expenses subject to GRT?
Do I use the GRT rate for my location?
Calculating reportable gross receipts
Gross receipts vs. bank deposits
Is GRT a deductible business expense?
GRT How-To Videos
Three things a new business should know
What to know about record keeping
Family members working in a business
Using your home for business
Using your vehicle for busines
Should business owner prepare own return
Employees vs. independent contractors
Fix incorrect classification of workers
IRS letter about incorrect 1099
Payroll taxes seem complicated
Can I outsource my payroll?
Independent contractors are businesses
What is the sharing or gig economy?
Do independent contractors owe NM GRT
Who should get a 1099?
I didn't get a 1099. Do I owe tax?
Taxes self-employed people pay
Can I get a refund on an old return?
How to correct mistakes on tax return
Are estimated taxes really estimates?
Minimize estimated tax penalty
How long should I keep my tax records?
Get copies of tax returns & transcripts
How does the IRS contact taxpayers?
IRS penalties & interest
Hobby or business income?
Early retirement account withdrawals
Does changing my name affect my taxes?
Planet IRS is confusing to say the least
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